Welcome, I’m Alex

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always dreamt of a career in the beauty industry. Looking back, I still remember how excited I got searching through my mom’s bag for some alluring makeup. Born and raised in the beautiful sunshine state of Pensacola, Florida, in 2010, I graduated from Pensacola Junior College as a certified Facial Specialist (Esthetician). In 2018, I attended the Esthetics Association of Florida and received my certification in Dermaplane Facials. I continued to educate myself in Esthetics through additional training courses.
Growing up, I struggled with my fair share of unpleasant facial hair. I was always tweezing because they made me feel insecure. Unfortunately, I was late to realize the tweezing was causing multiple dark spots and ingrown hairs all over my face. Frustrated, I started searching for a more conclusive method to remove hair. I tried Laser hair removal, which was great at first until I realized after a series of laser treatments that the solution was only temporary.
I studied further on Laser hair removal, and eventually understood it as a way to reduce hair growth, but doesn’t stop it. I promised myself not to rest until I find something with a permanent effect. In January 2020, I enrolled in Cindy Cassady Advance Laser and Electrolysis Health and Beauty School and graduated with a diploma in Electrology.
As a certified Electrologist, sharing information about permanent hair removal and being able to assist others on their journey to feeling more beautiful and confident is my goal!